
Monday, February 20, 2012

Beautiful things, and my Weight-Loss Journey

This is such a pretty hairstyle, and I love the contrast of her roots and the dark underneath.

Well, many of you have been keeping up with my diet. These past few days, breakfast has consisted of protein, usually eggs. Lunch every day has been grilled chicken, but changed up in little ways. One day I had it with salad, and the salad was a vinaigrette spritz-on dressing, and it was so good! Another day, I seasoned the chicken with crushed red pepper and had some grapes with it. Often, I have found myself getting full on just the chicken. :)  Dinner varies, but usually lots of green vegetables, turkey or chicken, and blueberries for dessert. Last night, I tried turkey bacon. It was disgusting, but hey,  at least I gave it a try! One thing I'm avoiding pretty much altogether is bread. Eventually, I'll have it again in small amounts, but for now, I'm cutting the carbs. 

I am SURVIVING this healthy eating diet! I am not starving, which I keep thinking I'll feel like, but so far, I really am surviving and feeling fine! Sundays have been deemed my "cheat" day. But that doesn't mean I get to binge or eat anything crazy fattening. I had a few oatmeal cookies yesterday, and that counted as my "cheating." Cheating should never mean going crazy and eating all the things you've been craving. That's a quick way to spiral right back into old bad eating habits! I've found that as long as I'm drinking tea with artificial sweeteners like Splenda, I feel like I'm satisfying my sugar craving, so I don't crave real desserts. Also, when I go to some of my favorite restaurants, I try something healthy on the menu instead of the crap I normally order, and guess what? It's good! I'm annoyed that I scared myself out of eating healthy for so long, when it's really actually not bad at all. I feel better and look better. I even bought a new swimsuit this morning! :)  It was 50% off!!! :)

I stepped on the scale this morning and was amazed.....

I will be revealing how much weight I've lost on Friday. I'm shooting for a few more pounds lost by Friday, but I'm quite pleased with my progress, and extremely motivated 
to continue! I still have quite a ways to go though, and I know it will get harder. Please cross your fingers for me and pray. :)

Doesn't this look sooooo yummy? That's a variation of my dessert everyday. :)

Now, for the randomness you love. :)

I want this dress, when my butt gets smaller. :)

These pants are available at

I'm really loving headscarves right now. :)

I think this is so neat!

 A birdcage cool!
I want this entire outfit. I'm sure this entire look can be duplicated shopping at Goodwill, Salvation Army or ThriftTown. Or even a garage sale. Vintage clothes, shoes and accessories are so easy to find! ThriftTown even has a section just for vintage clothes, and the best part is, hardly anything is priced over $5.

So cute. :)

Very pretty hairstyle

I don't know where these are from, but they're so pretty!

I still want a skirt like this. :)

Now for more hairstyles that I love :)
I LOVE this color! When my hair gets longer, maybe I'll switch to this color. :)

Reminds me of Rapunzel :)

Ive been growing my hair out again. I want it to be really long! It's so hard waiting for it to grow though. I'm SO impatient!

Isn't this so pretty? Ahhhhh I want to visit space SO bad! If I was any good at Science, I would love to work for NASA. Do you ever wonder what's out there?... I love to think about life on on other planets, and if maybe they look like us. I do believe that life is out there, and it's just a matter of where. What do you guys think???