
Friday, January 27, 2012

6 Pounds Down...15-20 to Go!

I hesitantly stepped on the scale this morning, looked down, and to my surprise....I've lost 6 pounds this week! Eating right and working out is truly paying off! I was mad at myself before stepping on the scale, because I skipped the gym and slept in this morning, meaning I'll have to workout tonight instead, but now I'm super motivated to get back in the gym!

For dinner last night, I had a grilled chicken wrap from Sonic. I have been trying to lay off the protein at dinner-time, but it was toooo tempting last night. Those grilled chicken wraps are soooo good! Good news: I don't crave sodas anymore. It doesn't bother me at all seeing other people drink them now. When I go out to eat, I order unsweet tea, and I sweeten it with Splenda. As long as I'm getting that sweetness, I'm happy! I could care less if it's an artificial sweet taste, as long as the illusion of sugar is there. :)

Soooo I noticed that you guys LOVE seeing before and after pics, so I found some more for you! I really think it's so motivational seeing other people's successes. It gives us the push we need to start losing weight and getting on the right track! Also, a lot of you men out there have been asking me for more things for guys, before and after pics of guys, and all around manly advice, so from now on , I will do my best to include you as well! :)

He needs to shave that "tuft" of hair above his bum. lol

AMAZING stomach!


This girl has some cute style! :)

Now onto another topic on weight-loss: REWARDS

We tend to want to reward ourselves for working out. Ex: "I went to the gym today, so I deserve this piece of chocolate cake." 

Don't do this! You will backtrack everything you just worked so hard to accomplish. It doesn't "cancel out" just because you went to the gym. It can take a solid intense hour of cardio just to burn 500 calories. That slice of cake can be anywhere from 200-700 calories, depending on various factors. Take the time to ask yourself," Is it worth it? Is it worth a few minutes of happiness? Chances are, it's probably not, and you'll feel so victorious by simply saying "No!" :)

Instead, reward yourself by going to the movies, and sneak in your own low calorie snack so you're not tempted by all the delicious snacks behind the counter! Speaking of sneaking in snacks to the movies, I once brought an entire pizza to the movies without getting caught. I brought it in a backpack and nobody questioned me! But my metabolism was much better then. I would NEVER do that now, and you shouldn't either! :)

Isn't it crazy how much the times have changed??? And by the way, that girl's size is beautiful. Healthy is sexy. Stick thin is not!

These Kate Spade flats are soooo cute!!! I want them all! Funky, yet classy!

LOVE this outfit!

I want to be this tanned, this skinny AND own that dress and hat!

Say what you want, but there is no denying his resemblance to an alpaca. :) OoooOOOoooh, that alpaca sure has some mysterious eyes! ;)  haha

Super sexy swimsuit that I NEED!

Yeah, this is what one pound of fat looks like! Be proud when you lose one pound! Be VERY proud!

Who knew there was such a tiny frame in there! I know I have a tiny frame hiding somewhere too. I WILL find that tiny frame! :)

I hope you guys all have a WONDERFUL SUPER AWESOME FABULOUS weekend! quick side note. If you enjoy reading my blog, I'd appreciate if you could "follow" me! You don't have to have a blogger account, just an email account. Thank you all SO much. You guys are just GREAT! :)



  1. You are soo right Alicia, before and after photos are great motivation. It makes you think if they can do that so can I. And because of that I think that everyone should take a photo of themselves before they start their workout program and then another one when they get to where they want to be. Also, people need to remember that just because you get to where you want to be doesnt mean you can quit working out. Keeping that new look takes work you have to do maintenece workouts to keep yourself looking that good.

    1. You are SO right! I actually need to take a before picture. I' just don't want to lose my pride, but you know, what? It will make my motivation stronger! Tonight I'll take a pic to be my before pic! And yeah, working out and eating healthy should def be a lifelong goal, not a short term goal just to get skinny. I totally agree! :)

  2. your blog is so awesome :) so happy I stumbled upon it! I NEED some motivation!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm soooo happy that you like it! :)

  3. Love those Kate Spades!

    Minted Magazine

  4. Love your Blog! It brings a smile to my face!

  5. This post inspires me and makes me laugh at the same time ;)


    1. Aww Thanks! That was my intention! I'm glad it worked! :)

  6. I totally agree! inspiring and funny! ♥

    btw that 1pound of fat... ewwwwwwwww

    haha, Love and hugs from Finland!


    1. Yeah. Soooo disgusting!!!! That's why I'm ready to lose more!! :)

  7. How did all of these people lose weight? Did everyone do something different?

    1. From what I read about them, they all just started eating better, cutting out sodas and junk food, and they all started working out. They all make it look so simple, don't they??

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. nicoleellie-marietetreaultOctober 9, 2015 at 2:40 PM

    hi my name is Nicole, im 5'8.5 an ii weigh around 160-165 I know that everyone says don't care what people think you look like and I understand that, im unhappy with the way I look, I want to be happy with what I see in the mirror every morning, and the way ive been loosing weight in an honestly really unhealthy way, I will have one small apple for breakfast and starve myself until im absolutely starving, then when im alone for a few days I just go nuts on food, pizza ice cream, it makes me feel really aweful about myself and I don't know what to do. I have absoultly no motivation to take care of myself and have more than enough time to work out, I just don't. I used to be in water polo nd was sooo close to my goal weight which is 140 but that I stopped and gaines about 20 pounds. please help @

  10. I've lost over 85 lbs and my body does not look like that. Most people who lose that much weight have a lot of extra skin and no matter how much exercise and muscle toning you do, surgery is the only option. I went down from a size 18/20 to a size 8 but financially, surgery is not an option for me.

  11. Why would you cut protein out at dinner? You should focus on eating lean proteins and vegetables and limit carbs.
