
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Seaglass. Wow!

I found this on an Etsy shop called Bellina Creations. 

Here is her description of the product:
"An 8 inch bracelet is strung with man made nuggets a deep reddish orange. These nuggets range in size from 6 - 12mm long and wide. Meant to last a lifetime this bracelet is made with all sterling silver components. Wire guardians protect the wire from the components rubbing on them and wearing down the wire over time."

Here is the link to her cute little shop!

I love these earrings as well. This girl is truly talented! Please check out her shop. She has so many awesome creations, you will fall in love with everything!

Here are some more of her creations...

This necklace is sooo pretty!!!

                 This is a bird's nest ring. Isn't it so cute/pretty? :)

And these earrings are sooooooo cute!

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